Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Should we have our own video clip ?

We were contemplating a short and simple video to promote watchmaking and the school so we made a quick search online, but nothing much came up. At least nothing much came up in English. And a quick search on youtube mainly turned up 2 clips made by St Paul's College in the US. Click here and here for the 2 clips. Oh, we also found a clip made by a Malaysian TV channel promoting the Nicholas Hayek Watchmaking school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Click here but be warned, its in mandarin.

Where does that leave us ??? Yeah, we might have to make our own. Should we ?


  1. Highly recommend doing a video of your program to help highlight not only the profession but the specifically your school and what it offers in quality and education. This can be a great recruiting tool to help humanize the mythical world of watchmakers as well as add to the prestige of your program by showing that watchmaking is more than changing battering like in a flashlight or pulling a drain plug to change the oil in your car. Highly recommend.

  2. Hi Jacob,

    Totally agree with you but its down to sponsorship. We need sponsors to make this happen.
