Friday, May 17, 2024

Busy week!

Week 19-20


Workshop A&B

    Art, Daniel, David, Harold, Miguel, Nine
    Craig, Dunham, Ivan, Louis, Mun, Varun

     This week Art and Nine continued practicing on their winding stems. They learned how to harden, temper and blue their winding stems. They will soon learn how to make slot gravers out of hard metal and how to cut the slots on their winding stems.

    This week Daniel and Miguel continued working on their hairspring exercises. They are now trying to master timing and how to adjust the watch to improve timing. They will soon move on to Dynamic poising.

    This week Craig completed press fit exercise, and assembled his balance bridge holder after applying a charbonnage finish and black Rhodium plating to the base.

Charbonage and black rhodium plated base for his balance bridge holder.

    This week Ivan, Louis and Varun started their lessons on the gear train, jewelling, and barrel complete. They also practiced bending wheels.

  This week Ivan also practiced black polishing a cap jewel for a pocket watch. 

Horseman's branded Lemania 1900 split second chronograph stopwatch with running seconds.
Ivan has to make a balance staff for this movement.


Thank you for reading! 

Hope to see you again next week!

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