Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Summer Time

The big cleanse before the break
Its that time of year again where the students get some time off to relax until the next semester.  Henrik will be keeping himself busy this Summer teaching courses in the AWCI in America.  For our American friends, this is a good time to visit the man that started this school in person (The course Henrik is teaching is, sadly, already full!).  The students will have a chance to go back to their countries to visit family and friend.
Shuai drilling a brass anvil

Eddie burnishing the tip of his handmade gyroscope

Shuai experimental pivot burnisher

Eddie's Gyroscope

The students tried to squeeze in some customized  tools before leaving for break.  Because no new topics were covered, the students had time to make some specialized tools they previously didn't have time to do.  Some experimental stuff were also made to test out different methods.
Tomas doing some final timing before going away for break

We wish everyone a good TIME (pun intended) during the Summer and will see you all in 3 weeks!

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