2nd year student @ KHWCC
The school website and blog has generated alot of hits and reads since the Timezone.com article was published. This has also caused Henrik to review his course structure and fees.
Therefore, we are going to start our enrollment exercise earlier for our 2012 intake.
There are no set dates for the start of the Full Skill course as it is taught on a hybrid Apprentice-Mentor basis but please indicate your preferable START DATE on your application email. ( * We will be explaining our hybrid teaching method soon on our website but basically, students get individual teaching from either Henrik or his Assistant on a 1 to 1 basis for most of the programme. )
NOTE : All applicants has to attend a COMPULSORY Bench test and an onsite interview at KHWCC before final consideration of your application. Because of our hybrid Apprentice-Mentor method of teaching, we do not make students perform the same tests. Each applicant is subject to different types of test. At the start and end of each test, Henrik or his Assistant will tell you the aim and outcome of the test. While KHWCC prefers that the Bench test is conducted over the course of 3 - 5 days, however, due to high costs and other expenses incurred enroute to Le Locle, we are able to shorten the bench test to an intensive 2 days test. That is the minimum.
All details of the Full Skill Course and Fees can be found at the school's website at
For all interested applicants, please send a copy of the following to info@khwcc.ch
a. Your CV
b. A photo ( *Optional. If you don't wish to send us one, that is alright. It will not affect your application in any way. )
c. If you do not have a CV, please just send us an email telling us as much as you can about the following :-
- Your name
- Male/Female
- Home Address ( *Specifically Country of Residence because non-EU applicants will require student Visas )
- Email
- Age
- Do you require any visual aids ? (i.e spectacles ? Contact lens ? )
- Education history
- Employment history
- Interests ( * Please try and tell us interesting things about yourself too ! )
- Hobbies
- A short paragraph in COMPREHENSIBLE ENGLISH on why you want to take up watchmaking.
( * this can be any length. A simple one will do. )
- Also indicate in your email that you are interested in the Full Skill Course.

Principal Henrik Korpela @ work with a screw polisher.
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