Friday, October 5, 2018

Fall gateway and London

Last week, Henrik visited BHI and some watch and clock related events held in London. We pick up some pictures to share with you.

Met Alan Burtoft from BHI
One of the watches Henrik got to see in flesh.

BHI Upton Hall
A huge task to service BIG Ben.

Dropping ball from Greenwich.

Nice view from Greenwich. Nice weather.

Science museum

From science museum, some experimental balances for chronometer.

Westminster  Abbey

Finally, some of our daily pictures.
The weather is getting cold in Le Locle.

We try to plot down the trend of rate at different amplitudes to understand isochronism and calculate CTM of the movement we had reconstructed in second year course.
CJ try to note down the steps of defining hole from main plate to a blank material for making bridges.

Trial bridges plate.

Before using lathe to turn the recess, make sure to find the right center.
Turned bridge recess.

1 comment:

  1. Can you explain what CTM is and how it is calculated?
