Friday, September 13, 2024

The Watch Show!

Week 37

This week we had a new bench tester! Philip from Hong Kong!

Here is Philip black polishing several screws.

This week several students went to explore the Technical Watch Show in La Chaux de Fonds!

There they went to interact with various suppliers and companies in the watch industry.

Here Mun, Sheikh, Art, Varun and Miguel (off screen) are getting a demonstration at the Petit Pierre of how their measuring machine works.

The machine has a very accurate camera that will scan the object in the holder.

The computer can then quickly make measurements to determine the size and shape of the object, and determine if it is within programmed tolerances.

Here Art, Varun and Miguel are talking to a Bergeon representative who is explaining the use of their new hand setting tool.

The new hand setting tool (on the right), is attached to a screen (back, left) which reads the amount of torque used to set the hands on the watch and lets you know if it is enough.

Bergeon also has a new device for testing magnetism but the machine also works as a demagnetizer.

Here they are talking to a company that specializes in anglage and finishing of movements.

Here is one of the finished movements on display.

They also saw several companies who make interesting and very vibrant dials. Such as this alternating tile pattern.

They also saw a hand painted fishscale patterned dial.


Workshop A+B

    Art, Daniel, David, Miguel, Mun, Nine
    Craig, Dunham, Ivan, Louis, Sheikh, Varun 

       This week Daniel made some watch parts for his school watch. He made the balance wheel on the jig borer and on the lathe and the escapement parts were cut out on the pantograph.

Here is the guide for the escapement levers.

Several levers cut out of circular plates.

The escapement lever after machining.

    This week Miguel continued to work on this 7 movements. He finished the assembly and timing of the 2824, 2892 and the 2671. 

    This week Ivan, Louis and Varun learned how to vibrate hairsprings on the Luthy.

Here is louis watching the hairspring on the luthy.
Varun is inspecting the position of the hairspring to make sure it is sitting in the luthy correctly.


Thank you for reading!

Hope to see you again next week!